When you get a new subscriber for your publication it can be useful to know where they came from.
With Curated, if a person arrives on your publication’s web page from a URL that includes UTM parameters and then subsequently subscribes (using any subscription method), the UTM parameters will be stored against that subscriber and can be viewed later.
For example, if a subscriber arrives on your publication from a URL like this:
The values for the utm_source, utm_medium, and utm_campaign will be stored in a cookie on your publication site. If that person either subscribes immediately or on a subsequent visit to your site (up to 30 days in the future) then those parameters will be stored against that subscriber and can be viewed in your account.
Viewing Attribution Details in Curated
Click into the subscriber detail report for any subscriber and if they have been attributed to a specific UTM source then it will be displayed as part of the subscribe details line in the report.
Clicking “more info” will show all UTM parameters and allow you to identify the specific campaign attributed to this subscriber.
What UTM parameters are supported?
Curated will store values for the following UTM parameters:
- utm_source
- utm_medium
- utm_term
- utm_content
- utm_campaign
The referring URL (if available) will also be stored.
What if the same person comes back with different UTM parameters?
If the same person, using the same browser visits the site with a different set of UTM parameters, they will replace any existing stored parameters in the cookie and the most recent parameters will be stored by Curated.
Creating URLs with UTM parameters
If you’d like help to create URLs that have UTM parameters appended, Google has produced a useful tool to do just that.