You can add as many users as you would like to any Curated account on all plans. There are no additional charges for adding users.
How do I add another user?
Visit the Account page, and click on the Users link for the publication you want to invite a new user to. Note that you will have to have the ‘admin’ privilege to invite new users.
Click Invite User. Enter their email address and pick an appropriate role and you’re all set! If the user does not already have an account, the user will receive an email that includes instructions to create a Curated account. If the user does have an account, the user will receive an email to join the publication.
How do the roles/permissions work?
When you add a new user you can assign it a role within the account. The roles have the following permissions:
- Contributor: Can do everything except publish issues, see the list of subscribers, manage other users, and access the publication settings.
- Publisher: Can do everything except manage other users.
- Admin: Has all privileges and can perform any action.
Note: Currently, only Account Owners can change the billing of an account.