We recommend that you only use email addresses you collect from your Curated Publication Site to send those subscribers Curated newsletters. That being said, we understand that some of you may need to ask for additional permissions from your subscribers for business reasons outside of your control, so we built a way to customize your subscription form to include optional checkboxes that your subscribers can opt into when they subscribe via your Publication Site.
To add options to your subscribe form, visit Settings > Publication > Subscription Form and click the New Permission button.
You can add permissions that will show up as checkboxes on your Publication Site. You can also reorder, edit, delete or hide those permissions. You’ll only be able to edit a permission until a subscriber checks that box when they subscribe; later, if you don’t need your subscribers to give consent for that particular item anymore, you can choose to hide the option.
You can review the permissions given by your subscribers at any point by either exporting your list of email subscribers or view them on a case-by-case basis by looking up a particular email subscriber and clicking their email address to see a full breakdown of what permissions they gave when they signed up.
If you have specific questions about gaining special consent from subscribers as it relates to GDPR, please contact [email protected], and let’s chat.